Saturday, August 7, 2010

Should I cry??

Huhu...sob2 (nangis la kunun :p) buat pertama kalinya sy rasa sgt2 tersentuh disebabkan sebuah drama. Seblom2 ni kalau rase sedih pun x smpai kuar air mata. Tapi drama yg satu ni berjaya buat air mata sy bertakung gak. Walaupun jumlah air mata yg bertakung tu x buatkan ia menitik ( just rasa cam basah je kat kelopak mata nih) tp ni satu perkembangan terbaru la. Yey, sy bukan jenis cold-hearted!! (sila rujuk entry hati ais)

Apakah? Mengapakah? Adakah sy dah berubah? Ini nak kire perubahan positif ke negatif? Tah pun taktau nape tetibe aura sensitif masuk ke dlm jiwa sy yg brutal ni. Maybe sbb sy betul2 hayati citer ni kot. Maklum la tgk sorang2 dlm bilik. Fokus giler sbb xde sape yg interrupt coz roommate blk kg.

Eh lupe lak nak cakap citer apa yg sy tgk tu. Mesti korang nak tau sgt kan? ( ceh,perasan!) Hehe..ok2 sy nak bg tau la ni...citernye bertajuk ENGINE. Ha, nape korang x caye ke? Tajuknye cam ganas je, ye x? Pehal minah ni nak sensitif2 ngan citer gini (msti ade yg ckp camni kan. Kalau x pun korang angguk je la :P)

Walau tajuk die keras cam besi je tp jln citer die sgt menyentuh jiwa. Ni bukan citer pasal loving couple tp tetap berkisar tentang kasih syg. Hurm ni ade sinopsis nye yg sy cilok dr website mysoju..(malas lak sy nk translate. Bace je la ek..hehe)

Jiro Kanzaki (Takuya Kimura) is an F3000 test driver blessed with acute sensitivity and breathtaking driving techniques. He's a daredevil who feels no fear driving at speeds that even top racers dare not attempt. But unexpected trouble forces this world-famous racer to leave his team and return to Japan for the first time in years. Until he finds a new job as a racer, Jiro decides to stay with his parents. What awaits Jiro there is his hardheaded father, his nagging sister, the 12 children of the foster home his father runs, a snobbish male nurse, and a stubborn female nurse who likes to daydream about her life. Jiro's return home brings a breath of fresh air that influences the people around him. However, he is still unaware that he too will eventually be influenced to change the way he thinks and lives.

Ha..part mane yg buat sy sedih tu? Kisah nye camni, satu hari rumah ank yatim tu trpaksa ditutup sbb beberapa problem. Jadi budak2 yg seramai 12 org tu terpaksa dimasukkan ke rumah ank yatim lain tapi diorang terpaksa berpecah la.. Time tu la sy rasa touching sgt. Nak2 bile tengok hero (takuya kimura) yg selama ni cam xde perasaan syg kat bebudak tu leh nangis sbb nak berpisah ngan diorang :'-(

Kalau nak rasa lg feel apa kata korang tgk sendiri citer tu. Kompem sedih punye...huhu.. Walau citer ni dah lama, dlm tahun 2005 kalau x silap la, tp still best utk ditonton & ada byk pengajaran di dalam nye. That's why sy suke tgk drama2 jepun ngan korea. Citer diorang ni slalunye more to reality & buatkan kite rasa lebih bersemangat utk tempuhi cabaran. Paling sy suke bile diorang sebut: Ganbatte kudasai! (Japanese), Aja-aja fighting! (Korean)..
Bersemangat je rasanye...hehe..Ok2 stop melalut. Korang layan la gambar dr Drama Engine kat bawah ni ek. Bye...Sayonara =)

Ni la citernye : Engine

Hero: Takuya Kimura yg hensem

Heroin: Koyuki yg sweet

Pelakon2 utamanya

Salah-satu adegan dr drama (abaikan dialog box tu...huhu)

p/s: Ada 2 episode lagi nak tamat...tgh berdebar2 nih (over tau :P). Kalau nak join sy tgk pun je kat sini

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